
January 2002 - December 2002 - janvier 2002 à décembre 2002


PAR-L Niouzes presents brief notices of research activities and recent publications from our partner organizations, with links to publications available online. On occasion, it may also include an interview or biographical article featuring an individual or organization involved in feminist research and action. This issue of Niouzes reports all research and publication activity for January 2002 - December 2002.

As we do not have the resources to make every news item available in both French and English, we post the notices in whichever official language(s) the information comes to the Editors, English and/or French.

Niouzes is prepared by Robin Sutherland in collaboration with Michèle Ollivier and Wendy Robbins, with technical assistance from Julie Guénette and Nicole Bellefleur.

If you would like to become a Partner in the PAR-L Strategic Research Network, please complete our online application form and send it to us by mail or fax (see our contact information section). More information about our network of partner organisations is available at:

Niouzes présente les activités de recherche et les publications récentes des partenaires du Réseau de recherche PAR-L, avec des liens vers les publications qui sont disponibles en ligne.

Si vous souhaitez devenir Partenaire du Réseau de recherche stratégique PAR-L, veuillez remplir notre formulaire de demande et nous l'envoyer par la poste ou par télécopieur (voir la section de nos coordonnés). Pour de plus amples renseignements sur les organisations partenaires du Réseau de recherche PAR-L, nous vous invitons à visiter notre site Web à :

Nous ne possédons pas les ressources nous permettant de fournir toutes les nouvelles dans les deux langues officielles. Nous affichons donc les abrégés de recherche dans la langue véhiculant l'information aux modératrices, soit en français ou en anglais.

Niouzes est préparé par Robin Sutherland en collaboration avec Michèle Ollivier et Wendy Robbins, avec l'aide technique de Julie Guénette et Nicoel Bellefleur.



Au sein de la section Femmes et PoliTIC, dédiée aux enjeux citoyens des TIC et à l'utilisation des TIC dans l'action politique des groupes de femmes, nous avons publié :

bullet « La lutte contre la pauvreté et l'exclusion: le moteur du développement de l'Internet citoyen »
Ginette Richard, directrice adjointe de Communautique, Communication présentée lors de l'atelier Femmes et PoliTIC au CDEACF, le 8 février 2002.

bullet« Groupe de discussion sur les usages d'Internet dans les groupes de femmes: Faits saillants »
par Florence Millerand, février 2002.
Rapport sur un groupe de discussion mené dans le cadre de la journée Femmes et PoliTIC au CDEACF

Et à l'occasion de la journée mondiale du livre et du droit d'auteur, notre collection virtuelle s'est enrichie considérablement... nous avons lancé simultanément les versions imprimées et virtuelles de Violence conjugale: luttes de femmes et modernité.

bullet« Violence conjugale: luttes de femmes et modernité »
Andrée Côté; Suzanne Léveillée; Christopher McAll; Denise Côté; Lucie Lamarche.
Montréal : Escale pour Elle, 2002, 104 p.

CASAC (Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centres)

CASAC Publication Niouzes:

The CASAC makes a series of articles available through their site at: Issues & Debates

Anti-violence & Feminism articles:

bulletFarewell address to Madame Justice L'Heureux-Dubé by Lee Lakeman (Sept. 27, 2002)

bulletProtesting women continue occupation of Chevron flow-stations - Niger Delta, by Environmental Rights Action/Friends of the Earth and Project Underground (July 2002)

bulletShame on women beaters by Mike Ulmer (July 2002)

bulletNova Scotia - Protestors confront minister over cuts to women shelters (April 2002)

bulletWorld Social Forum, Violence Against Women: The "Other World" Must Act World March of Women paper serving as the basis of discussion for the World Social Forum 2002 in Porto Alegre

bulletRobinson's Departure a "Disappointment" Human Rights Commissioner Was a Target of U.S. Geneva (March 18, 2002)

bulletSerial murders of women in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico by Rosa Arteaga for the CASAC

bulletInternational womens day in Juarez protest murders of 300 women by David Peregrino, El Paso Times (March 10, 2002)

Prostitution & Trafficking articles:

bulletAnniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Paris, (December 10, 2002)

bulletThe United Nations finally agreed to a new definition of trafficking (October 2000)

bulletSwedish Seminar on the effects of legalization of prostitution activities (November 5-6, 2002)

Law articles:

bulletDraft Bill on the Québec Correctional System - Brief of the Regroupement québécois des centres d'aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel (February 2002)

CASAC Research Niouzes:

bulletLINKS PROJECT: Violence Against Women and the Justice System

This project will examine the nature of and reasons for low conviction rates (and high attrition rates) in cases of violence against women and the relationship of these outcomes with women's inequality. The project will attempt to answer how policies, procedures and practices impact on the low conviction rates in cases of male violence against women, and what is the relationship of these impacts to women's inequality?

These questions will be addressed through an examination of the criminal justice system and, in particular, the five points within the justice system that are critical junctions for women victims of male violence: Emergency response (911); Police Investigation; Crown Attorney Decisions To Proceed; Court Proceedings; Sentencing.

Over the next three years data will be collected in 12 sites across Canada. The study will follow fifteen women in each of the twelve sites as they interact with the justice system at the five points of contact. Information will be gathered through personal interviews with the women and those providing services at the five contact points identified above. The project also involves the collection and review of relevant documents such as policies, directives, regulations, protocols, and policy and procedure manuals. Related research activities, including in-depth reviews of prominent legal cases and a literature review are also being undertaken. The project is using a participatory methodology that includes front-line workers at the 12 research sites in the design, data collection and analysis phases of the project.

Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW)/
Institut canadien de recherches sur les femmes (ICREF)

CRIAW Publication Niouzes:

bulletPaper series: Feminist Voices/Voix féministes
This series includes scholarly research, action research, commentary and analysis from a feminist perspective in both French and English. All papers are reviewed through a blind review process. Papers may be on any topic, although CRIAW may suggest themes, from time to time, to encourage new directions in feminist research. If you are interested in submitting a manuscript for publication, click here to look at the most recent call for papers in this series.

The most recent publication from this series is: Women and Leadership
Editors: Audrey MacNevin, Ellen O'Reilly, Eliane Leslau Silverman, Anne Tayler

In this collection, the authors challenge our thinking on the subject of leadership. It considers leadership in every setting where there are women: in quilting guilds and workplaces, politics and universities, clubs and informal gatherings, and social service agencies and schools. The collection also explores how women's aspirations to lead are often thwarted, and their ambitions derided, even negated, by a culture that deems them unseemly.

bulletFact Sheet: Women's experience of racism: How race and gender interact
CRIAW, July 2002
Full online version:

This fact sheet provides easy-to-understand statistical information and research on how women experience racism, and provides suggestions for resources and action. We hope it serves as a basic introduction for people with no knowledge of how race and gender affect women's lives. A shorter, hard copy version of this fact sheet is also available from the CRIAW office.

bulletCRIAW Newsletter: Research Action
Research Action is available to CRIAW members free of charge. It contains articles on current research grants; information on upcoming conferences and workshops; opportunities for training, employment, bursaries and scholarships; news on United Nations conferences on women and follow-up; the latest in learning tools including new publications, books, videos and films; and special feature articles. It is published three times a year.

CRIAW publications can be ordered through an online order form. All prices are in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise specified. CRIAW members receive 20% off regular publication price. Publications are featured only in the language in which they appear. Click here to view our series of French-language publications. Prices include postage, except for large orders (over 10 copies). For large orders, or any other questions, please contact the CRIAW office at:

CRIAW Research Niouzes:

bulletBank of Researchers
CRIAW is currently updating its bank of researchers, and enabling it to be used on-line. This computerized database includes a listing of researchers who are committed to the advancement of women either by their research on women from a feminist perspective, or by their commitment as feminists in research fields in the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Sciences and Engineering.

The database provides searchable, individual profiles for all of the researchers. These profiles include the researcher's address, phone and fax numbers, language skills, education, research themes, and highlights and publications. To be included in the databank, please submit an online application, or contact CRIAW at: CRIAW/ICREF, 151 Slater Street, Suite 408, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5H3, Phone (613) 563-0681, E-mail:

Canadian Women's Health Network (CWHN)/
Réseau canadien pour la santé des femmes (RCSF)

CWHN Publication Niouzes:

The CWHN produces two regular, online publications: Network/Le Réseau and Brigit's Notes.

Network/Le Réseau is available online, and in hard copy format. To subscribe to Network Magazine, or to receive a one-time free copy, send your mailing address and name to:

Network Magazine / le réseau
bulletVolume 5, Number 2/3 (Spring/Summer 2002) / Volume 5, Numéro 2/3 (Printemps/Été 2002)
In this issue: Time to Act on Home Care; National Home Care Program a Women's Issue; Health Care Privitization: Women Are Paying the Price; A Women's Guide to Health Care Debates; Institute of Gender and Health: A Year in Review; New Research from Centres of Excellence

bulletVolume 4/5 - No. 4/1 (Fall/Winter 2001/2002) / Volume 4/5 - Numéro 4/1 (Automne/Hiver 2001)
In this issue: Research as a Spiritual Contract; Pregnant Addicted Women in Manitoba; Let's Talk about Research; Bone Marrow Donors; Inuit Women's Health; Aboriginal Women's Health; Aboriginal Women in Quebec; Poverty is Hazardous; Cultural Competency for Registered Nurses; Talking About Weight

Brigit's Notes - AWomen's Health E-bulletin
This monthly electronic bulletin will keep you informed about what's new on the CWHN web site, including new policy initiatives, research, calls for submissions, events and conferences, new resources and updates on women's health issues and activism. Subscribe to Brigit's Notes.

In addition, the Atlantic Centre of Excellence for Women's Health has recently published the following 2 books in its series on women's health in Canada. The cost for each publication is $10 (including shipping and taxes). If you would like to purchase a copy, please send an e-mail to: with your mailing address, and she will send an invoice along with the book(s).

bulletRace, Ethnicity and Women's Health. Edited by Carol Amaratunga, PhD. 2002. 206 pages.

bulletStriking to the Heart of the Matter. Edited by Carol Amaratunga, PhD and Jacqueline Gahagan, PhD 2002. 106 pages.

The Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence has supported the following publication:

bulletThe Ethical and Human Rights Implications of Prenatal Technologies: The Need for Federal Leadership and Regulation by Yvonne Peters and Karen Lawson. © 2002. Online text

CWHN Research Niouzes:

The Centres of Excellence for Women's Health Research Bulletin may be accessed from the CWHN web site. Issues for 2002 include:

bulletVolume 2, Number 3 (Winter 2002)
In this issue: What Counts and Who's Counted in Women's Health Research?

bulletVolume 3, Number 1 (Spring 2002)
In this issue: Who Cares?: The Costs and Benefits of Caregiving.

Canadian Women's Studies Association (CWSA)

CWSA Publication Niouzes:

The CWSA published two newsletters in 2002: one in February, and the second in September. The February issue includes an update on the association's Web site, and Association meetings and conferences. The September issue includes a report on the annual conference, as well as an update on the need to address the issue of gender inequity in the distribution of Canada Research Chairs.

While you must be a member to access the newsletter, you may visit the site as a guest at: CWSA/ACEF


Afin de mettre en valeur les efforts déployés pour que les nouveaux modes de communication et d'information contribuent à stimuler la participation citoyenne plutôt que d'accroître les problèmes d'exclusion, Communautique a rédigé des récits sur les expériences d'utilisation des TIC d'une trentaine d'organismes du Québec, dont FRONT, la Marche mondiale des femmes, NetFemmes et Cybersolidaires.

bullet« Cybersolidaires, Montréal : Exploiter Internet en tant que fenêtre sur le monde et levier pour l'action », Communautique, extrait de « Le monde communautaire et Internet: tout un monde d'innovations », juin 2002 :

Que vous soyez très pressé-e ou que vous ayez plus de temps à investir, vous trouverez dans cet atelier des outils faciles à utiliser, tels que des blogues, permettant de publier soi-même dans Internet. Pour rejoindre plus de monde tout en renforçant votre réseau, servez-vous de notre kit pour investir le cyberespace.

bullet« La diffusion sans douleur dans Internet »,
Cybersolidaires, en partenariat avec la Fédération nationale des femmes canadiennes françaises, octobre 2002 :

DAWN Ontario (DisAbled Women's Network Ontario)

DAWN Publication Niouzes:

DAWN maintains a useful Resource Catalogue (brochures, publications, videos) and an extensive web page of Publications Online. Recent publications posted to the DAWN website include:

bulletCPP Benefits: Are you Entitled? - Disability Pensions (Oct 2002) PDF - 90KB

bulletDisability Benefits in Ontario: Who can get them, How to apply (July 2002) PDF -158 KB

bulletOverpayments: information for people who are no longer on assistance (July 2002) PDF - 107KB

bulletHome care complaints and appeals (June 2002) PDF - 139KB

bulletHaving problems applying for benefit by phone? (April 2002) PDF - 125KB

bulletOn Your Own Under 18: Getting Social Assistance (Feb 2002) PDF - 187KB

DAWN Research Niouzes:

More information about DAWN Ontario's Research Initiatives is available online at this link: Research Initiatives & Participation Requests

bulletThe Lesbian Breast Cancer Project (Posted October 23, 2002)
The Lesbian Breast Cancer Project involves lesbians directly affected by breast cancer as well as people who care about the issues - issues like lesbians' experiences of body image, identity and sexuality in relation to a cancer diagnosis; the strategies lesbians use to gather support and health care; heterosexism in health and social services and in health research; lesbian visibility in the cancer community. The project will involve in-depth interviews with 30 lesbians who have experienced a breast or gynecological cancer diagnosis. Interviews will happen between October 2002 and November 2003.

bulletDoes Prenatal Diagnosis Discriminate Against People With Disabilities? (Posted January 7, 2002)
This is a 3-year, multi-disciplinary project funded by the Australian Research Council. It aims to explicate and critically analyze the meaning(s) of the claim made by some disability activists that pre-natal screening and diagnosis programs discriminate against persons with disabilities.

National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC)

NAC Publication Niouzes:

Action Now! is the quarterly publication of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC). It is circulated to NAC Member-Groups, Friends of NAC, Subscribers and Supporters of the NAC Action Fund.

Read an online sample of Action Now! at: Volume 9, Number 2/1999. To continue to receive NAC news, send your subscription orders to the NAC office: 203-234 Eglinton Avenue, Toronto ON, M4P 1K5 Tel: (416) 932-1718 Fax: (416) 932-0646 E-mail:

NAC Research Niouzes:

To learn more about research initiatives going on in specific NAC regions across Canada, visit NAC regions.

National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL)/
Association nationale de la femme et du droit (ANFD)

NAWL Publication Niouzes:

Jurisfemme is the newsletter of the National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL).

Contributions of articles, notices and resource information are encouraged, although NAWL's editors reserve the right to edit submissions. Send queries/submissions to: 604 - 1 Nicholas St., Ottawa KIN 7B8 Telephone: 613-241-7570; Fax: 613-241-4657; e-mail:

bulletJurisfemme Volume 21, no. 1 (Winter 2002)
In this issue: Draft Bill on Civil Unions: Is the Quebec Government about to Create Separate Equality for Same-Sex Couples and their Children?; Feminist Perspectives on the Draft Federal Assisted Human Reproduction Act; Custody and Access Alert; Métis Women and Aboriginal Self-Governance: Entrenching Inequality Through the Devolution of Discrimination; Poverty is a Human Rights Issue; Equality Coalition to Present Arguments in Brockie case; Pursuing a Feminist Policy Agenda through Electoral Reform; Rethinking the Budgeting Process: A Call for Renewed Action; Bill C-36: The Anti-Terrorism Act; The Canadian Gender and Trade Consultation.

bulletJurisfemme Volume 21, no. 2 (Summer 2002)
In this issue: NAWL's 14th Biennial Conference:Women, the Family and the State: Opening address; Conference Overview; Child Custody Law Reform; Minority women, family law and the state; The struggle for pay equity in New Brunswick; Transgender Human Rights and Women's Substantive Equality; Mothers as Secondary Defendants in Child Sexual Abuse Claims; The UN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women and the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence Against Women; Test-Case Litigation, Social and Economic Rights, and the American Convention on Human Rights: What Difference can it Make?; World Conference Against Racism: New Obligations to Remedy Racism; Confidential Records and Sexual Assault Complainants post-Mills: Still Vulnerable?; "Bridging Visions" of Law and Art for Women, the Family and the State.

Other discussion papers & reports:

1) Fact sheet: The Gosselin Case (December 2002)
2) News release: On Custody and Access (December 2002)
3) Open Letter: To the Minister of Justice on Custody and Access issues, including analysis and recommendations to the Minister of Justice (November 2002)


Women'space Publication Niouzes:

Women'space produces a quarterly of the same name in print. Back copies are posted online.

There are no online issues available for 2002, although back issues are accessible at: Women'space Magazine.

To write for Women'space, email: Articles in Women'space are usually between 1,000 and 1,500 words long. They should be woman/girl positive. Questions, exploration, debate and ideas are welcome.

Women'space also e-publishes a newsletter that provides news and updates on their Women's Equality Resources Online. A sample back issue is available at: Issue # 2, October 2002. Subscription information is available at: Women'space Newsletter.

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