Fondation du Centre de recherche (CRF) féministe au sein du GIERF (1987-1994). L’implantation du Centre coïncide avec une volonté de favoriser le regroupement des chercheures féministes au sein de l’UQAM. Le CRF regroupe les chercheures autour de trois thématiques principales : production/reproduction, femmes et pouvoir, théories, épistémologie et pratiques féministes.
Élaboration d’un programme volontaire d’accès à l’égalité en emploi pour les femmes. Suite à l'annonce des programmes fédéraux, en 1987, le Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la science du Québec signait avec l’administration de l'Université du Québec à Montréal un protocole d'entente en vertu duquel l’université acceptait de participer à une expérience pilote dans le domaine.
Trent University offers its Women’s Studies Program, consisting of seven courses. (These courses are still taught today in some form or another in 2001.) The second-year foundational course, Introduction to Women’s Studies, is taught by Sally Cole (Anthropology).
Mount Saint Vincent University’s Senate approves a Women’s Studies Department and an Honours option.
Lakehead University founds a Women’s Studies forum for faculty members to discuss gender issues in curriculum development and academic research.
A Minor in Women’s Studies is now offered at the University of Victoria.
At OISE, Margrit Eichler, Rhonda Lenton, Louise Vandelac, and Rosanna Tite (research officer) begin data collection for the Canadian Women's Studies Project, funded by SSHRC.
Carleton University establishes the Institute of Women's Studies in September. (It is renamed the Pauline Jewett Institute of Women's Studies in 1993.) It offers a BA Major and a combined BA Honours degree in Women's Studies, as well as a Minor to students in other disciplines.
The University of Western Ontario establishes the Centre for Women's Studies and Feminist Research, jointly sponsored by the Faculties of Arts and Social Science. It administers honours, combined honours, and general programs in Women's Studies and promotes feminist scholarship through provision for resident scholars, a Distinguished Speakers Series, faculty colloquia, conferences, and publications.