Policy, Action, Research - List
The PAR-L discussion list is an online forum of more than 1,400 people,
primarily women--and some men--in Canada, and also in more than a dozen other
countries, who are interested in promoting women's equality. Subscribers include
grassroots activists, researchers, academics, policy analysts, journalists and many others.
This bilingual (English/French) list is open to any individual or organization
interested in discussing policy, action, and research on issues of concern to women
in Canada. The scope is intentionally broad to provide an open forum where feminist
activists, scholars, and researchers can come together, communicate, share, and
disseminate information in a supportive environment.
Postings to PAR-L include: discussion and analysis of current issues;
announcements of upcoming women's events or actions, women's book publications,
and feminist conferences; responses to government, business, or university decisions
affecting women; job descriptions that are specifically oriented towards women; and
calls for action that are relevant within Canada and beyond.
PAR-L has two co-moderators. Wendy Robbins is a professor of English and Women's
Studies at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton. Michèle Ollivier is a
professor of Sociology at the University of Ottawa. The moderators
screen all messages sent to PAR-L to ensure that they fall within the parameters
of research and advocacy on policy issues affecting women in Canada. They can be
reached at mode@unb.ca.
How do I subscribe to the PAR-L list?
PAR-L is open to anyone interested in discussing feminist research, action,
and policy in Canada. PAR-L is free, but you need to have an e-mail account to join.
Subscribers include grassroots activists, policy analysts, researchers, academics,
journalists and many others. Most subscribers are women, but men who share our goals
are welcome, too.
To subscribe, send the following one line message, substituting your actual name,
to PAR-L-SERVER@unb.ca
subscribe PAR-L first_name last_name
Leave the subject heading blank and do not use a signature file. Messages sent
to this address are processed automatically by listserv software.
To leave the list and unsubscribe from PAR-L, send the following message, using
the same e-mail account that you originally had used for subscribing to PAR-L to
unsubscribe PAR-L
Leave the subject heading blank and do not use a signature file. Messages sent
to this address are also processed automatically by listserv software.
Help Desk
Basic information
PAR-L is a listserv discussion group - what does this mean?
PAR-L is a moderated discussion group - what does this mean?
How do I contact the moderators?
Content of postings
What may I post to the list?
What is PAR-L's policy on posting computer virus alerts?
What is PAR-L's policy on posting copyrighted material?
What is PAR-L's policy on posting e-mail petitions?
What is PAR-L's policy on posting requests for research assistance?
Format of postings
What is the preferred format for posting messages to the list?
How do I reply to messages?
What are attachments?
How do I remove attachments to my e-mails?
Other technical questions
How do I send a message to the list?
How do I change my subscription options?
How do I change my header options?
How do I stop receiving messages temporarily?
How do I change from individual to digest format?
How do I find archived messages?
What are Listserv's main commands?
What are the guidelines on Listserv commands?