Bibliography for Feminist Research
Anderson, K., Armitage, S., Jack, D., and Wittner, J. (1987). "Beginning Where We Were: Feminist Methodology in Oral History". Oral History Review, 15 (Spring): 103-127.
Bella, L. (1988). "The Production and Reproduction of Leisure: The Invisible Work of Christmas". In From the Margins to the Centre: Selected Essays in Women’s Studies Research, edited by Dawn Currie, 52-74. Saskatchewan: The Women’s Studies Research Unit, University of Saskatchewan.
Berg, B. L. (1995). Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Berik, G. (1996). "Understanding the Gender System in Rural Turkey: Fieldwork Dilemmas of Conformity and Intervention". In Feminist Dilemmas in Fieldwork, edited by Diane L. Wolf, 56-71. Colorado: Westview Press.
Brinton Lykes, M. (1983). "Discrimination and Coping in the Lives of Black Women: Analyses of Oral History Data". Journal of Social Issues, 39 (3): 79-100.
Bunkers, S. (1987). "‘Faithful Friend’: Nineteenth-Century Midwestern American Women's Unpublished Diaries". Women’s Studies International Forum, 10 (1): 7-17.
Cook, J. and Fonow, M. M. (1986). "Knowledge and Women's Interests: Issues of Epistemology and Methodology in Feminist Sociological Research". Sociological Inquiry, 56 (4): 2-29.
Cooper, J. (1987). "Shaping Meaning: Women’s Diaries, Journals and Letters - The Old and New". Women’s Studies International Forum, 10 (1): 95-99.
DeVault, M. (1990). "Talking and Listening from Women's Standpoint: Feminist Strategies for Interviewing and Analysis". Social Problems. 37 (1): 96-116.
Edwards, R. (1990). "Connecting Method and Epistemology: A White Woman interviewing Black Women". Women's Studies International Forum. 13 (5): 477-490.
Ehrlich, S. (1995). "Critical Linguistics as Feminist Methodology". In Changing Methods: Feminists Transforming Practice, edited by Sandra Burt and Lorraine Code, 45-73. Ontario: Broadview Press.
Fine, M. and Macpherson, P. (1992). "Over Dinner: Feminism and Adolescent Female Bodies. In Disruptive Voices: The Possibilities of Feminist Research, edited by Michelle Fine, 175-203. Michigan: University of Michigan Press.
Greaves, L., Wylie, A., and the Staff of the Battered Women’s Advocacy Centre: C. Champagne, L. Karch, R. Lapp, J. Lee & B. Osthoff (1995). "Women and Violence: Feminist Practice and Quantitative Method". In Changing Methods: Feminists Transforming Practice, edited by Sandra Burt and Lorraine Code, 301-326. Ontario: Broadview Press.
Haggis, J. (1990). "The Feminist Research Process". In Feminist Praxis: Research, Theory and Epistemology in Feminist Sociology, edited by Liz Stanley, 67-79. London: Routledge.
Harding, S. (1987). "Is there a Feminist Method? In Feminism and Methodology, edited by Sandra Harding, 1-14. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Hartman, H. (1987). "The Family as the Locus of Gender, Class and Political Struggle". In Feminism and Methodology, edited by Sandra Harding, 109-134. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Hawkesworth, M. (1989). "Knowers, Knowing, Known: Feminist Theory and Claims of Truth". Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 14(3): 533-557.
Hill Collins, P. (1990). Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment. Boston: Unwin Hyman.
Holland, J. and Ramazanoglu, C. (1994). "Coming to Conclusions: Power and Interpretation in Researching Young Women's Sexuality". In Researching Women's Lives from a Feminist Perspective, edited by Mary Maynard and June Purvis, 125-148. London: Taylor and Francis.
Jayaratne, T. (1983). "The Value of Quantitative Methodology for Feminist Research". In Theories of Women's Studies, edited by Gloria Bowles and Renate Duelli Klein, 140-161. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Joseph, S. (1996). "Relationality and Ethnographic Subjectivity: Key Informants and the Construction of Personhood in Fieldwork". In Feminist Dilemmas in Fieldwork, edited by Diane L. Wolf, 107-121. Colorado: Westview Press.
Kasper, A. (1994). "A Feminist, Qualitative Methodology: A Study of Women with Breast Cancer". Qualitative Sociology, 17 (3): 263-281.
Lather, P. (1988). "Feminist Perspective on Empowering Research Methodologies". Women’s Studies International Forum, 11 (6): 569-581.
Letherby, G. and Zdrodowski, D. (1987). "‘Dear Researcher’: The Use of Correspondence as a Method within Feminist Qualitative Research". Gender & Society, 9 (5): 576-593.
Lugones, M. C. and Spelman, E. V. (1990). "Have We Got a Theory for You!: Feminist Theory, Cultural Imperialism and the Demand for ‘The Woman’s Voice’". In Hypathia Reborn: Essays in Feminist Philosophy, edited by Azizah Y. aL-Hibri and Margaret A. Simons, 18-33. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Maguire, P. (1987). Doing Participatory Research: A Feminist Approach. Massachusetts: University of Massachusetts.
Malhorta, V. A. (1988). "Research as Critical Reflection: A Study of Self, Time and Communicative Competency". In A Feminist Ethic for Social Science Research, edited by the Nebraska Sociological Feminist Collective, 82-99. New York: Edwin Mellon Press.
Mancini Billson, J. (1991). "Towards a Feminist Methodology for Studying Women Cross-Culturally". Women’s Studies International Forum, 14 (3): 201-215.
Matsumoto, V. (1996). "Reflections of Oral History in a Japanese American Community". In Feminist Dilemmas in Fieldwork, edited by Diane L. Wolf, 160-1169. Colorado: Westview Press.
Mies, M. (1983). "Towards a Methodology for Feminist Research". In Theories of Women's Studies, edited by Gloria Bowles and Renate Duelli Klein, 117-139. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
O’Kelly, C. (1983). "Gender Role Stereotypes in Fine Art: A Content Analysis of Art History Books". Qualitative Sociology, 6 (2): 136-148.
O’Neill, B. (1995). "The Gender Gap: Re-evaluating Theory and Method. In Changing Methods: Feminists Transforming Practice, edited by Sandra Burt and Lorraine Code, 327-356. Ontario: Broadview Press.
Pettigrew, J. (1981). "Reminiscences of Fieldwork". In Doing Feminist Research, edited by Helen Roberts, 62-82. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Ralph, D. (1988). "Researching from the Bottom: Lesson of Participatory Research for Feminists". In From the Margins to the Centre: Selected Essays in Women’s Studies Research, edited by Dawn Currie, 134-141. Saskatchewan: The Women’s Studies Research Unit, University of Saskatchewan.
Reeves, J. and Boyette, N. (1983). "What Does Children’s Art Work Tell Us About Gender?". Qualitative Sociology, 6 (2): 322-333.
Ragin, C. (1994). Constructing Social Research. California: Pine Forge Press.
Reinharz, S. (1983). "Experiential Analysis: A Contribution to Feminist Research". In Theories of Women's Studies, edited by Gloria Bowles and Renate Duelli Klein, 162-191. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Reinharz, S. (1989). "Finding a Sociological Voice: The Work of Mirra Komarovsky". Sociological Inquiry, 59 (4): 374-395.
Reinharz, S. (1992). Feminist Methods in Social Research. New York: Oxford University Press.
Reinharz, S. (1993). On Becoming a Social Scientist. New Jersey: Transaction Press.
Roberts, H. (1981). "Women and Their Doctors: Power and Powerlessness in the Research Process". In Doing Feminist Research, edited by Helen Roberts, 7-29. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Sanchez, L. (1993). "Women’s Power and the Gendered Division of Domestic Labour in the Third World". Gender & Society, 7 (3): 434-459.
Shirley Hyde, J. (1994). "Can Meta-Analysis make Feminist Transformations in Psychology?". Psychology of Women Quarterly, 18: 451-462.
Spender, D. (1987). "Journal on a Journal". Women’s Studies International Forum, 10 (1): 1-5.
Stanley, L. (1994). "Sisters Under the Skin? Oral Histories and Auto/Biographies". Oral History, 22 (2): 88-89.
Stuart, M. (1994). "You’re a Big Girl Now: Subjectivities, Feminism and Oral History. Oral History, 22 (2): 54-63.
Weston, M. (1988). "Can Academic Research Be Truly Feminist?". In From the Margins to the Centre: Selected Essays in Women’s Studies Research, edited by Dawn Currie, 142-150. Saskatchewan: The Women’s Studies Research Unit, University of Saskatchewan.
Williams, C. and Heikes, E. J. (1993). "The Importance of Researcher's Gender in the In-Depth Interview: Evidence from Two Case Studies of Male Nurses". Gender & Society. 7 (2): 280-291.
Wolf, D.L. (1996). "Situating Feminist Dilemmas in Fieldwork". In Feminist Dilemmas in Fieldwork, edited by Diane L. Wolf, 1-55. Colorado: Westview Press.